About Me

I’m an accredited qualified hypnotherapist that can tailor therapy to suit your needs. I am based in Pontefract and work with clients from across Yorkshire and the surrounding areas. My clients come from all walks of life. They have difficulties or issues that are limiting or preventing them from living their life to the full.
Jayne Giles 'Dip Hyp CS'
My training has given me a deep understanding of how your behaviour, body and mind work together and how difficult it can be to make changes without help. From my own experience and the people I have seen, hypnotherapy can really help with many troublesome issues.
Admitting you have a problem or thinking that you may need to see a hypnotherapist is always the first step in your journey. However, it is something that you must want to do for yourself.
For those individuals that find life suddenly becomes frighteningly out of control, fears and phobias appear for no apparent reason, or everything you once held precious appears to have no value; the therapy that I offer and believe in, is to find the root cause rather than the symptoms.
I offer a free fifteen minute initial consultation with no obligation to book a session afterwards. All therapy is in complete confidence and my processes follow General Data Protection Regulations (GPDR).
The Session

During the hypnotherapy session, clients remain fully aware of what is happening - there is no loss of control or awareness. The subconscious mind can only accept suggestions that fit the client’s moral framework. Going into a trance is straight forward, in fact, everyone goes into trance several times a day without being aware. In hypnotherapy the client is relaxed until the point where a trance is induced.
The depth of this trance is often determined by the work that needs to be done. At the end of the session, I gently bring the client back to everyday consciousness, feeling totally relaxed and totally refreshed.